Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hey, guys, my teacher said I had to write two flash poems, so... here's the second one.

The Final Wait

The dust cloud cleared.  I was still standing on sandy desert ground.  I had been here for over an hour, waiting, waiting, waiting.  Waiting for what though?  Was it my gold?  Definitely nope.  I had long ago lost interest in the meaningless rocks.  Was it my horse?  Maybe, it was my favorite.  However, I could always get a new one.  Was it... her?  I had to think about whether to be honest with myself, but then I saw her.  She was a bit ruffled, and more than a bit wind-blown, but I couldn't help smiling.  She had wanted to repay me for saving her life and had taken off before I could refuse.  She handed me the payment and the horse, but she spotted my face as she started to walk away.  She hesitated, looking deep into my blue eyes, then smiled softly and we both walked through the sunlight towards nowhere in particular except to be with each other.

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