Monday, March 10, 2014

Here is a flash poem for my creative writing class.


The storm raged on a previously clear night.  The stars and moon were no longer visible behind the thunder clouds.  The riders were safe inside their small brick stable with smoke rising out of the top, adding to the already gray sky.  The tall rider was the most experienced, but he didn't visit the ridden as much over the years.  The flicker of sharp lightning flashed across the darkened sky, but the riders did not come as they used to to make sure the ridden were fine during the chaotic weather.  Rain clattered on the stable roof and the ridden nickered softly in protest of such noise, but the riders did not enter the stables and stroke their soft noses.  They did not even stir as one of the less ridden ones reared in fear.  "We're riderless," a dark ridden one snorted and the other ridden ones whinnied in agreement.  The bold ones began stamping at the stall doors of the suddenly recognizable cages of the ridden.  Panic, like a disease, spread quickly as each ridden one tried to escape, their powerful hooves shattering the wooden gates.  They bolted as a group towards the firm stable door, throwing their weight at the unprepared barrier.  The ridden ran wild except for the fence, and even that was no match for agile skills.  The sky was still gray, but a certain light was shining now, leading the riderless to where they were meant to be.  The riderless were free.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you told the story from the horse's perspective.
